The Sentinel - Slimmer - 7 March 2017
Here is a Slimmer article I wrote which was a weekly feature
appearing every Tuesday in The
Sentinel. I would source for slimmers, interview them and write about
their weight loss journey and compile the before and after photos of
them. Some of the stories are very inspirational. This week's story is
about Linsey who lost an amazing total of nine stones with the
help of Slimming World.
The Sentinel is based in Hanley in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. local newspaper has over 141k weekly readers with over 56k Twitter followers as well more than 84k likes on Facebook. It also has more than 6.5million page views
The Sentinel is based in Hanley in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. local newspaper has over 141k weekly readers with over 56k Twitter followers as well more than 84k likes on Facebook. It also has more than 6.5million page views